date: 7/15/2024

mood: yappy

music: no more like that, eiafuawn

whatever: hanging out with bates

I'm hoping to get the links page up and running sometime soon, just been a wee bit lazy!

In other news my landlord may murder me. I've hid Bates here for a year and less than two weeks before I move out he starts getting suspecious, uh oh!

I've been messing with my CRT TV a lot recently. I figured out how to connect one of my vhs-c camcorders to it a while ago, and have been experimenting more since. I had no knowledge of composite video when I first bought the TV, I just wanted to watch old VHS tapes. I now have it hooked up to my laptop using a converter. My goal was to be able to use MilkDrop 2 (a really cool music visualizer) on the TV which ended up working SO WELL :D !!! I would like to do more cool stuff with the TV but now I'm just using it to watch ER lol.

Hello :3

date: 7/9/2024

mood: melting

music: gemini, evergreen

whatever: eating hummus

First blog post as I figure out how this god forsaken shit works. I am the furthest thing from a coder, infact, I am just awful at coding. Expect this website to be perpetually under construction.

I have been listening to some good music recently. Check out Waters of March by John Roseboro and Mei Semones, it makes me want to dance in a field. I did dance in a field a few weeks ago, it was healing.


Soph is 19 years old, they live in Pittsburgh. Soph is a film student and photographer.

